

徐晓波,讲师,博士毕业于华东师范大学发展与教育心理学专业。主要研究领域为学习与创造,近年来主要关注家庭社会经济地位、真实自我、概念图创作等因素对青少年学业适应和创造性表现的影响及其心理机制。先后主持了上海市立德树人重点研究基地(心理学)项目子课题、华东师范大学海外发文项目等科研课题3项。近五年来,以第一作者在Thinking Skills and Creativity》、《Creativity Research Journal》、《Personality and Individual DifferencesSSCI/CSSCI期刊上发表学术论文9篇。

电子邮箱xbxu@shnu.edu.cn; miqie88@126.com


Xu, X., Xia, M., & Pang, W. (2021). Family socioeconomic status and Chinese high school students’ test anxiety: Serial mediating role of parental psychological control, learning resources, and student academic self-efficacy. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62(5),689-698.

Xu, X., Xia, M., Zhao, J., & Pang, W. (2021). Be real, open, and creative: How openness to experience and to change mediate the authenticity–creativity association. Thinking Skills and Creativity , 41:100857.

Xu, X., Zhao, J., Xia, M., & Pang, W. (2021). I Can, but I Won't: Authentic people generate more malevolently creative ideas, but are less likely to implement them in daily life. Personality and Individual Differences, 170: 110431.

Xu, X., & Pang, W. (2020). Can concept mapping facilitate verbal divergent thinking? Creativity Research Journal , 32(4), 344-356.

Xu, X., & Pang, W. (2020). Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles: Diversity of life experience mediates the relationship betweenfamily SES and creativity. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,61(2), 177-182.