

日前,我院心理学系范为桥博士参加了在香港举办的第7届国际测量学大会(The 7th Conference of the International Test Commission18-21 July2010),并在大会作论文交流。范为桥博士主持了专题论坛(SymposiumA Combined Emic-etic Approach to Personality Assessment: CPAI-A's Standardization and Application among Chinese Adolescents”。他还以第一作者身份口头报告了两篇论文,分别涉及青少年人格和大学生职业发展:(1) A preliminary comparison between the standardization studies of the CPAI-A in Hong Kong and mainland China; (2) Parental influence, personality traits, and readiness for career decision-making among Hong Kong college students

国际测量学会(ITC)每两年召开一次,会议主题主要涉及在测验与评估领域的重要与新生的研究与应用议题。该次年会是ITC首次在非西方国家和亚洲召开。该次年会的主题是“Challenges and Opportunities in Testing and Assessment in a Globalized Economy